Cat Reunited With Owner After 15 Years

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LOS ANGELES — A cat that went astray about 15 years ago has been reunited, older and maybe wiser, with its owner.

Brandy, a brown tabby, was reunited Monday afternoon with Charles, who adopted her as a 2-month-old kitten in 2005.

“It’s amazing. I think it’s unbelievable,” he said Thursday.

“I saw her, I picked her up and she started to purr and it was very emotional,” Charles said. “It was nice to have her in my arms again.″

”I did break down and cry because I thought about all of the years I lost from her,” said Charles, a computer technician who did not want his last name used.

Brandy was found Sunday in Palmdale, about 40 miles from where Charles lives in the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles.



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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!