Brendan Mcdermid/Reuters

Trump Heard On Tape With Lev Parnas Contradicting President’s Claims

A recording reviewed by ABC News appears to capture President Donald Trump telling associates he wanted the then-U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch fired while speaking at a small gathering that included Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman — two former business associates of Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani who have since been indicted in New […]

Independent Watchdog Finds Trump Broke Law By Withholding Ukraine Aid

A flood of captivating new details surrounding President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine has spilled out into the public just as the Senate begins the impeachment trial, putting fresh pressure on GOP leaders to consider witnesses and new documents. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) on Thursday issued a stunning report, accusing the White House budget office […]

Getty Images

Trump Tweets Support To Iran’s Anti-Gov’t Protesters

President Trump tweeted a message in support of Iranian protesters in Farsi Saturday, as demonstrators took to the streets to speak out against the government, following the country’s admission to shooting down a Kyiv-bound commercial plane. Protesters flooded the streets in Tehran Saturday chanting “death to liars” and “death to the dictator” in reference to […]

David Cannon/Getty Images

Trump Has Spent $118 Million Of Tax Payer Money Golfing At His Resorts

President Donald Trump has pushed his taxpayer-funded golf tab past $118 million on his 26th visit to Mar-a-Lago, his for-profit resort in Palm Beach, Florida, with a Saturday visit to his course in neighboring West Palm Beach. The new total is the equivalent of 296 years of the $400,000 presidential salary that his supporters often […]