Does Biden exaggerate or outright lie?

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One consistent aspect of President Joe Biden‘s time in the White House has been his tendency to exaggerate stories about his past.

Biden’s tendency to exaggerate, which goes back decades, typically involves stories with an element of truth that get stretched with new and often hard-to-believe details. Biden sometimes gets called out via fact checks, yet blows through them faster than a speeding Amtrak train.

The latest exaggeration came while Biden visited the war memorial in Scranton, Pennsylvania, where his uncle Ambrose J. Finnegan’s name is listed on the wall. That led the president to launch into a story about Finnegan.

He flew single-engine planes, reconnaissance flights over New Guinea. He had volunteered because someone couldn’t make it. He got shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals in New Guinea at the time,” Biden said. “They never recovered his body, but the government went back when I went down there, and they checked and found some parts of the plane.”

Biden used the story in a roundabout way to bash former President Donald Trump, citing a disputed claim that the former president refused to visit a cemetery for American soldiers in France because he thought they were “suckers” and “losers.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!