Fauci Has Over $10 Million In Investments As Financial Disclosure Released

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The president’s chief medical advisor and his wife had $10.4 million in investments at the end of 2020, newly-released records show.

That sum — including $2.3 million in unrealized gains — was held in various mutual funds.

Fauci’s 2020 financial disclosure was released publicly Friday night by Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), who Fauci had called a “moron” after he inquired into Fauci’s financial disclosures during a Senate proceeding Tuesday.

“Dr. Fauci was completely dishonest about his financial disclosures being open to the public,” Marshall said in a statement. “Dr. Fauci must be held accountable to all Americans who have been suing and requesting for this information but don’t have the power of a Senate office to ask for it.”

Fauci’s 2020 filing — not previously available to the public — details the finances of the nation’s highest-paid federal employee, who reportedly made $434,312 in 2020 and is on track for a $350,000 annual pension upon retirement.

Read more at nypost.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!