Gen Z says no to alcohol

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Gen Z has been known for either not drinking alcohol at all or enjoying a more moderate relationship with alcohol.

Some 64 percent of legal-drinking-age Gen Zers in the U.S. said they had not consumed alcohol in the six months leading up to May, according to the International Wine and Spirits Record (IWSR), a global drinks data and analytics provider. While American Gen Zers are underrepresented because of the country’s higher drinking age laws, the pattern can be seen globally.

“A surprisingly large proportion of younger legal drinking age communities are now claiming that they abstain from alcohol altogether,” Consumer Research COO Richard Halstead said. “This is particularly true in Japan and North America, but the moderation trend is also prevalent in other markets across Europe, Asia and Australasia.”

Research into the lifestyles of Gen Z, carried out by the market intelligence agency Mintel, showed that a “significant number of (British) Gen Zers are shifting their focus away from drinking alcohol, both inside and outside the home, and opting instead for sober socializing.”

In January, it found that about one-third of Brits aged 18 to 24 do not drink alcohol at all, while those that do keep drinking for a treat, as a way to relax or to mark a special occasion. This signals a huge shift in culture in the West, where drinking regularly has long been commonplace.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!