Kamala’s 2023 approval rating is in the gutter

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Kamala Harris’ already poor approval rating fell further during 2023, with one prominent political scientist telling Newsweek her unpopularity “could end up being a difference-maker” in the 2024 presidential election.

President Joe Biden has already committed to retaining Vice President Harris as his running mate should he secure the 2024 Democratic nomination, which looks likely as only fringe Democrats have stepped forward to challenge the White House incumbent.

According to analysis by polling website 538 released on December 5, Harris’ net disapproval rating has surged by 7.4 percent since the beginning of the year, from 10 points to 17.4. Her approval fell from 41.7 percent to 36.3 percent from January 1 to December 5, whilst her disapproval increased from 51.7 percent to 53.7 percent.

A separate polling compilation by The Los Angeles Times published on December 12 gave Harris a net rating of -16 points, with 39 percent of registered voters having a favorable view of the vice president, whilst 55 percent viewed her unfavorably. According to this review, Harris hasn’t recorded a positive net approval rating since June 2021 and is notably less popular than Mike Pence, Biden, Dick Cheney and Al Gore were after the same number of days as vice president. The analysis also found Harris has an even worse approval rating than President Biden, who scored two points better with a net rating of -14.

Read more at Newsweek.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!