Majority of Democrats say ‘Dump Biden’

LA Times
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More Democrats than Republicans want President Joe Biden kicked off the ticket, a shocking dismissal of the party chief just months before Election Day.

Fifty-four percent of Democratic likely voters would approve of Biden being replaced, a very unlikely possibility with the party nominating convention set for mid-August. Biden has won his primaries in runaways.

They have no alternative in mind other than former first lady Michelle Obama, who has repeatedly vowed not to run.

The devastating results were delivered by Rasmussen Reports on Tuesday. In the poll shared with Secrets, just 38% of Democrats said they would disapprove of replacing Biden on the ticket despite growing concerns about his meandering policies and mental and health failings.

By comparison, just 43% of Republicans said they would approve of Democrats replacing Biden on the ticket. It was higher among independents, at 50%.

The survey indicated that Democrats understand they are stuck with Biden. When asked how likely it was that Biden would be replaced, 38% said it was likely, while 57% said it wasn’t.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!