Mexico blocking migrants riding the ‘Beast’

REUTERS/Daniel Becerril
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Mexican authorities blocked dozens of migrants from hitching a ride to the U.S. on freight trains in Mexico City on Friday in a major new enforcement effort.

Thousands of people have used the freight trains, known as “The Beast,” to hitch a dangerous ride to the Mexico-U.S. border before they cross over illegally.

Earlier this week, the Mexican railway company Ferromex temporarily suspended 60 trains running in the northern part of the country as migrants are getting hurt while climbing aboard the freight cars. Mexico’s National Migration Institute (INM) has since deployed agents to dissuade people from climbing aboard, according to Reuters.

INM on Friday said it would partner with Ferromex to identify strategic points to dissuade migrants from attempting to board the trains, Reuters reported.

Ferromex said Wednesday there have been about a “half-dozen regrettable cases of injuries or deaths” caused by migrants hopping on freight cars in recent days. It also said some migrants were jumping onto moving freight cars “despite the grave danger that represents.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!