More Infectious Covid Mutation Found In Colorado

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Colorado is investigating a possible second case of a more contagious variant of coronavirus in the state, officials said Wednesday.

Both the confirmed and possible cases are National Guard members, officials said.

The two had been sent to work at a Good Samaritan Society nursing home in Simla, Colo., experiencing an outbreak, but health officials said it is not clear whether the members acquired the virus while working at the facility.

The state is conducting contact tracing, and both guard members are currently isolating.

The further details come after Colorado announced on Tuesday that it had detected the first known U.S. case of the new variant of coronavirus, which was first discovered in the United Kingdom.

The new variant is thought to be more contagious but has not been shown to be more deadly or to evade the effectiveness of vaccines.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!