Remote work is getting harder to come by

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Back in 2020, when schools were still virtual and city dwellers were living their lives in masks, Jamie Dimon emerged as one of the earliest critics of remote work.

“There’s a huge value to working together in terms of collaboration and creativity and training the younger people,” the CEO of JPMorgan Chase told MSNBC in August that year.

Three years later, Dimon’s message is unchanged. The difference now is that the sentiment has gone mainstream.

Today, even Zoom’s leadership is extolling the benefits of in-person work.

“What we’ve found is, people have enjoyed coming back to the office,” says Zoom’s Chief People Officer Matthew Saxon. “There is a buzz. There’s something about being able to go have lunch with your teammates.”

With the pandemic declared over, much of America seems to have settled on the idea that at least some in-person time is beneficial — even necessary — for workplaces. But what remains under hot debate is how much time is needed and who gets to determine that.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!