Republicans get ready to stomp on Kamala

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Republicans gathered for their party’s national convention this week were hedging their bets on their November opponent as drama engulfs the Democratic Party.

Speakers levied criticisms at not just President Biden, but the “Biden-Harris” administration. They labeled Vice President Harris the “border czar,” a reference to the assignment she was given to address the root causes of migration. And some openly speculated about how former President Trump would fare against someone other than Biden.

Republicans have made it clear they would prefer that Biden remain in the race, viewing him as a weakened candidate who is down in the polls. But should he step aside, Harris would be the likeliest replacement, and Republicans signaled this week they are prepared to go on the attack should the vice president be elevated.

“The last time I checked [it] was Biden-Harris. So every single thing that Biden did is an issue that she is complicit in,” senior Trump campaign adviser Chris LaCivita said, rejecting the idea that a Harris-led ticket would change the electoral map.

“Never mind the fact that she’s also, you know, the gaslighter-in-chief specific to, ‘Oh, he’s fine. He’s in great shape,’” LaCivita added. “I mean, you know how much tape we have on this?”

Biden has given no public indication he plans to step aside as the nominee, but there is mounting pressure from top-ranked Democrats for him to reconsider his candidacy, as they warn he could drag down the entire party.

Speakers throughout the week were focused on Biden, but many referenced Harris. They specifically tried to tie her to issues including inflation and immigration that resonate with many voters, arguing she cannot be separated from Biden’s record.

One delegate on Thursday changed a “Fire Joe Biden” placard to read “Fired Joe Biden, Kamala Next!”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!