Serial Liar Cohen takes the stand in Trump trial

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The prosecution’s star witness in Donald Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial also could be its biggest liability.

Michael Cohen, Mr Trump’s former personal attorney, is expected to take the stand on Monday to testify against the man he once reverently referred to as “The Boss.”

Cohen made the hush money payment at the centre of the case, a sum which the prosecution alleges was fraudulently reimbursed by Mr Trump. He could provide essential testimony for prosecutors.

But outside the courtroom, on podcasts, television and social media, Cohen has not exactly helped their case.

He has mocked Mr Trump on X, calling him “sleepy Donald” and has used a profane nickname referring to the former president. Cohen also has posted memes that appear to show Mr Trump in prison-uniform orange, and joked on TikTok about Mr Trump being incarcerated.

“Trump 2024?” he said during one TikTok stream, reported by ABC News. “More like Trump 20-24 years.”

Cohen’s actions went too far for Justice Juan Merchan, who on Friday warned prosecutors to tell Cohen to stop commenting on the case.

One of his lawyers, Jeffrey K Levine, told the BBC, “I have no doubt that Michael will cooperate with whatever the court’s asking him to do. Or not to do.”

Cohen’s rogue behaviour, coupled with his very real criminal record, has opened the door for Mr Trump’s defence to cast doubt on this crucial player.

“He’s a real headache,” said Lance Fletcher, a former Manhattan prosecutor who now practises criminal defence. “He’s doing everything as a prosecutor you don’t want your witness to do. He’s got all sorts of credibility problems.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!