Joe Cavaretta/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP

Democrats Flooding Battle Ground States With Mail-In Ballot Requests

After five months of tweets and soundbites from President Trump warning that voting by mail will lead to a “rigged election” and “massive voter fraud,” a clear partisan divide is forming among those participating in that process. Election officials in key general election battleground states are noticing a surge of requests for absentee ballots by […]


Biden Maintains Double Digit Lead In National Polls

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is leading President Trump by 10 points nationally, according to a new poll. More than half of likely voters, 52 percent, said they would cast their ballots for Biden, and 42 percent said they would support Trump, according to a CBS News-YouGov poll released Sunday. The poll found 3 percent […]

Biden Leads In Texas Over Trump

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden holds a narrow lead over President Trump in the traditionally red state of Texas following last week’s Democratic National Convention, according to a new poll from the left-leaning firm Public Policy Polling. Forty-eight percent of voters contacted in the state after the convention said they would vote for Biden, while […]

Obama Expresses Doubts About Biden’s Ability To Be President

Despite the best-friend bond Joe Biden touts with former President Obama, tensions have lingered between the two statesmen over their vastly different governing styles, according to a Politico report. To start, a number of anonymously sourced quotes from Obama leaked out throughout the 2020 Biden campaign where the former president allegedly expressed doubts about his […]