Alex Wong/Getty Images

Biden says Covid Emergency not over til May14th

President Biden was criticized by conservatives on Twitter Monday after the Associated Press reported that he would end the COVID emergency on May 11. Biden previously stated in September, before the 2022 midterm elections, that the pandemic “is over” – eight months before the White House will officially recognize that declaration. Republicans reacted to the […]

Ting Shen

Senator introduces PELOSI Act to bar lawmakers from trading stocks

A Republican in the U.S. Senate is looking to prevent lawmakers and their spouses from trading stocks on which the officials would have privileged information and used the bill’s title to make a not-so-subtle dig at former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. On Tuesday, Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., introduced the PELOSI Act, officially the Preventing Elected […]

Shuran Huang/The New York Times/Redux

Debt ceiling alarm bells ring in DC today

Every American could get hurt if the new hardline Republican House’s dangerous game of roulette with a still vulnerable economy backfires. The nation reaches a first, critical threshold Thursday in the brewing Washington showdown over the national debt that could define the tenure of the new GOP majority and the final two years of President […]

Tom Williams

Gear up for a debt ceiling fight in congress

The Republican-controlled House has planted the seeds for a debt-ceiling showdown, with Speaker Kevin McCarthy endorsing a push by his hard-liners to demand spending cuts as part of any extension of the country’s borrowing authority. The political divide is deep and the stakes are high. Ultraconservative lawmakers insist they don’t want the country to default, […]

Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

House passes ‘Born Alive Act’, Dems Meltdown

Senior Democratic lawmakers took to Twitter shortly after the House passed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which requires doctors to provide care for infants born alive after a failed abortion, to criticize the Republicans who supported the “extreme” bill. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-NY, and Vice President […]

McCarthy delivers first speech as House Speaker

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy officially opened the 118th Congress early Saturday morning, holding the speaker’s gavel and conducting a chamber-wide swearing-in ceremony for new members. His speakership followed a dramatic week of him slowly winning over 20 Republicans who initially did not support his speakership and defected their votes to other members. After his victory […]