Twitter/Rebecca Parson

Democratic socialist congressional candidate says $15 minimum wage is not enough, ‘$30 is the floor’

A Democratic socialist candidate for Congress in Washington State is proposing a $30 minimum wage, saying that the current push for a $15 minimum wage is an “antiquated demand.” Rebecca Parson, who’s running for Congress in Washington’s 6th district, tweeted on April 21 that the minimum wage should be increased to $30. “$15 minimum wage […]

Biden ripped by Hispanic voters over immigration, economy: ‘Latino values are Republican values’

Talks of November’s midterms plague the political realm as President Joe Biden’s poll numbers continue to slip among key demographics – including Latinos and young Americans. While the partisan blame for an escalating border crisis, soaring inflation and a siege against family values raged on, “Fox & Friends Weekend” co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy sat down with […]

Jenny Kane/AP

For the 1st time in 10 years, Netflix has lost viewers, stock tanks, says password sharing is to blame

Netflix has lost 200,000 U.S. subscribers in the first quarter of 2022, marking its first drop in customers in more than a decade, the company announced Tuesday. It attributed the losses to factors such as stronger competition, the Ukraine-Russia conflict and password sharing. In a letter to shareholders, the entertainment company said it relied on […]


Green-Energy Inflation is on the way

If you think inflation is bad, wait until the rest of the commodity markets really heat up. Although prices for basic materials like copper, aluminum, nickel and steel—used to build everything—have already inflated, they haven’t yet escalated as much as fuels and energy-driven commodities like food. But they will if European and U.S. policy makers […]