WASHINGTON – The White House said on Monday that President Trump would leave in place a 2014 Obama administration order that created new workplace protections for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. In a statement issued in response to growing questions about whether Mr. Trump would reverse the Obama order, the White House said the […]
Tag: lgbt
Boy Scouts Now Accepting Transgenders
Just over one year after lifting its ban on gay employees, the Boy Scouts of America has announced it will accept transgender boys as members of its scouting chapters nationwide. “Starting today, we will accept and register youth in the Cub and Boy Scout programs based on the gender identity indicated on the application. Our […]
City of Norman to honor LGBT history month
A tearful Norman Mayor Lynne Miller proclaimed October 2016 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History Month in Norman during Tuesday’s city council meeting. It was a landmark moment on the heels of a hostile history that, for a time, looked like it would repeat itself. Anger simmered on social media this week, threatening to […]
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