America isn’t buying “Bidenomics”

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The American economy continues to stumble along, doing better than expected at the macro level, while hurting working Americans at the micro level.

Inflation continues to loom large, despite October’s numbers beating Wall Street’s expectations; interest rates are at near record high levels, the housing market is a trainwreck, and credit card debt is at all-time highs.

Yet, for some reason, the Biden administration continues to give speeches touting the strength of the economy, touting Bidenomics. However, it isn’t resonating with voters.

A recent poll shows that just two percent of voters in “six battleground states said the economy was excellent. More than half of voters under 30, Hispanics, women, and people in every income bracket say they trust former President Trump to handle the economy more than Biden.”

Inflation continues to remain higher than the Fed’s goal of 2.0 percent.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!