Amidst Swirling Rumors, Tillerson Takes Few Days Off From State Department

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Secretary of Stat Rex Tillerson is ‘taking a little time off’ from work during a tumultuous period in Washington, a State Department spokeswoman said Tuesday.

Spokeswoman Heather Nauert didn’t give an exact reason or provide a location, while brushing back reports that Tillerson might be leaving his post six months into the Trump administration.

‘He does have the ability to go away for a few days on his own,” Nauert told reporters.

‘He’s got a lot of work, he just came back from that mega-trip overseas … so he’s entitled to take a few days for himself,’ she said, the Washington Examiner reported.

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Tillerson, who has clashed with the White House over staffing issues, plans to stay put, she said. ‘The secretary has been very clear he intends to stay here at the State Department,’ Nauert said.

‘We have a lot of work that is left to be done ahead of us. He recognizes that, he is deeply engaged in that work, we have meetings scheduled, he has meeting scheduled for the rest of the week here in Washington.’

But she noted that Tillerson does ‘serve at the pleasure of the president, just as any cabinet official.’


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!