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Mayor Pete Surges To 10 Point Lead In New Hampshire

White House hopeful Pete Buttigieg (D) surged to a 10-point lead in New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation presidential primary, according to a new Saint Anselm College poll released Tuesday. Buttigieg gets the support of 25 percent of self-identified likely Democratic primary voters, marking the first time the South Bend, Ind., mayor has emerged atop a poll in […]


Chic-Fil-A Ends Donations To Anti-Gay Marriage Charities

Chick-fil-A said on Monday that its charitable foundation will no longer donate to two Christian groups that have long opposed same-sex marriage. A spokeswoman for the fast-food giant told Reuters that the business’s charity, the Chick-fil-A Foundation, will no longer provide funding to The Salvation Army and to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. “We made […]

Getty Images

Rudy Says Impeachment Proceedings Are A Travesty

President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani called the House impeachment proceedings a “travesty” in a tweet Sunday following the first week of public hearings. Giuliani, who some witnesses have testified was involved in the White House’s policy and pressure campaign regarding Ukraine, said the witnesses who testified publicly this week did not present any evidence […]

Getty Images

Hong Kong Police threaten Protesters With Live Bullets

Police officials in Hong Kong have reportedly threatened to use lethal ammunition if protesters do not leave the campus of Hong Kong Polytechnic University amid a standoff. The New York Times reported Sunday that police superintendent Louis Lau said that live rounds could be utilized as a “necessary minimum force” against protesters. “Coldblooded rioters can […]


Planned Parenthood Awarded $2M In Suit Against Pro-Life Activists

A federal jury in San Francisco found that the anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress and its president, David Daleiden, broke multiple state and federal laws when they secretly recorded and released videos of Planned Parenthood employees. The jury awarded Planned Parenthood $2 million in damages, finding that Daleiden and his organization engaged in fraud, […]

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Bolton Says He Has New Ukraine Info But Won’t Testify

Former national security adviser John Bolton was “personally involved in many of the events, meetings and conversations” at the heart of the House impeachment inquiry “as well as many relevant meetings and conversations that have not yet been discussed” publicly, his lawyer revealed Friday. Bolton’s attorney, Charles Cooper, made the disclosure to the House’s general […]

NBC News

Mulvaney Tied To Quid Pro Quo In Latest Testimony Release

Two White House witnesses in the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry implicated acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney in an alleged effort to press Ukraine for investigations sought by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, according to transcripts of their private testimony released Friday. Former National Security Council (NSC) official Fiona Hill described a meeting […]


National Security Official – “No Doubt” About Quid Pro Quo

White House official who was on President Trump’s call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told Congress there was “no doubt” that Trump had invoked a quid pro quo, according to transcripts released Friday as part of Democrats’ impeachment inquiry. Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a Ukraine specialist on the National Security Council (NSC) who was on […]

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Top Diplomat Paints Ugly Picture Of Rudy Giuliani In Ukraine Deposition

A senior diplomat offered a grim picture of Rudy Giuliani’s contacts with Ukraine, testifying before Congress that the president’s personal lawyer carried out a “campaign of lies” in order to oust the top U.S. diplomat to Kiev, according to new documents made public Thursday. George Kent, a senior State Department official, told House impeachment investigators […]