Britney Spears Asked To Testify Before Congress

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., with support from three other GOP House members, has invited Britney Spears to speak before Congress about her conservatorship battle, acknowledging in a letter to the 39-year-old pop icon Wednesday, “You have been mistreated by America’s legal system.” “We want to help,” the letter signed by Gaetz, as well as Reps. […]

Bob Dylan Wrote Famous “Lay Lady Lay” For Barbara Streisand

In long-lost interviews, Bob Dylan speaks candidly about anti-Semitic prejudice and reveals he wrote the hit song “Lay Lady Lay” for Barbra Streisand to sing. The remarks are contained in typed transcripts of 1971 conversations between Dylan and his friend Tony Glover, a blues musician who died last year. The transcripts, featuring Dylan’s handwritten annotations, […]

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Willie Nelson Forced To Cancel Tour Due To Breathing Problems

Willie Nelson has canceled his tour because of a “breathing problem.” The 86-year-old singer apologized on Twitter late Wednesday, writing “I need to have my doctor check out.” Nelson had just finished performing with Alison Krauss in Toledo, Ohio, and he was next scheduled to appear Friday in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He wrote “I’ll be […]

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