Center for Strategic and International Studies

American Troops At Greater Risk In Afghanistan Say Top Official

The latest military campaign in Afghanistan will most likely lead to “continued American casualties” as the U.S. takes a “new approach” in the troubled region, a top official at the Pentagon said Thursday. Speaking at a press briefing, Marine Lt. Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, director of the Pentagon’s Joint Staff, told reporters that the Pentagon is […]

John Moore, Associated Press

Trump Will Announce Guantanamo Bay Prison Will Be Kept Open

President Donald Trump is expected to announce during his State of the Union address that he plans to keep open the high-security military detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba – reversing a decision by President Barack Obama to close the controversial prison, according to a senior administration official and a senior State Department official. Trump […]

Fox News

Mattis Says US Military Losing Competitive War Fighting Edge

WASHINGTON –  Countering China’s rapidly expanding military and an increasingly aggressive Russia are now the U.S. military’s top national security priorities, outpacing the threat of terrorism, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Friday. He said competition with those adversaries has threatened America’s military advantage around the world. Laying out a broad new strategy for the Defense […]