Crime in sanctuary cities spreading to suburbs

John Moore / Getty Images
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Sancutary cities and their suburbs are experiencing a crime wave from migrants who are released by the Biden administration after illegally crossing the border between ports of entry. Police, particularly in the Chicago area and New York City, reported significant increases in crime related to migrants relocated to their cities.

The police chief of Oak Brook, Illinois, a suburb of the sanctuary city of Chicago, is reporting a series of crimes being committed by migrants who the Biden administration released after they illegally crossed the border between ports of entry. Oak Brook Police Chief Brian Strokis reported six felony arrests of migrants in a single day and a total of 49 migrant arrests since October 23.

“I believe that six felony arrests in one day illustrates that migrant criminal activity is a real problem,” Chief Strockis said in a statement released by DuPage County. “The amount of these types of arrests that we have had in the last couple of months is significant and would be taxing for any police department. We are well prepared to continue our enforcement efforts and I can assure you that there are easier places to commit these crimes than Oak Brook or DuPage County.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!