Democrat Coup against Biden is complete tonite

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President Joe Biden‘s half-century career in electoral politics comes to an end Monday night in Chicago. It won’t be voluntary. The 81-year-old president had planned for this week to be the moment he accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination for reelection. Instead, party insiders muscled him out of the race. He’ll get the gold watch on the first night of the Democratic National Convention and then be escorted off the stage.

All this will be done amid lavish tributes to Biden. The more central the insider’s role in pushing the president out, the more florid the praise. Eighty-four-year-old Nancy Pelosi, who told Biden he could either leave the easy way or the hard way — his choice! — is actually suggesting that Biden’s likeness be added to Mt. Rushmore. Others are falling over themselves to testify to what a great president Biden has been.

But if he’s so great, why did his party hustle him out the door? You won’t get the straight story from the podium in Chicago. In fact, the only safe bet about the convention is that no one will publicly tell the assembled delegates why the president they all voted for in the primaries is not the Democratic candidate. Yes, they’ll say things like Biden is “passing the torch” or that he is taking “selfless” action for his party, but they’re not going to say why Pelosi and others pushed him out. Indeed, in the month since it happened, neither Biden nor anyone in a high position in his party has leveled with the public about his forced exit from the race.

Read more at Washingtonexaminer.Com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!