Democrats do an ‘About Face’ on border security

New York Times
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Border security is a topic congressional Democrats once shied away from. Now, they’re embracing the politically charged subject as a winning election-year issue.

Democrats see an opening to score goodwill with voters on a policy that’s top of mind in polls, but that has been a political nightmare for the party due to a surge of illegal southern border crossings under President Joe Biden.

With the GOP dominating immigration among voters, Democrats are looking to be buoyed by a bipartisan border proposal that sank in the Senate earlier this year under the weight of conservative backlash, including from presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Senate Democrats say Republicans can either work with them to revive the lifeless legislation or be forced to vote it down again in the coming months.

“The reality is that they’re exposed. They don’t want to fix the border. They don’t want to have to vote on this again,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT), the lead Democratic negotiator on border issues, told the Washington Examiner. “Right now, the Democratic Party is the only party that is serious about fixing the border. We’re going to continue to give Republicans opportunity to vote with us to secure the border and let the American public see who’s serious and who just wants to complain.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!