Gas Pains! Biden shifts blame from Putin to Oil Companies

Seattle Times
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The White House on Wednesday shifted from blaming Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine to oil companies for record-high gas prices, calling on them to “be patriots” and do more to lower prices.

The remarks came after President Biden on Wednesday called on U.S. oil refiners to produce more gasoline and diesel, saying their profits have tripled during a time of war between Russia and Ukraine as Americans struggle with record-high prices at the pump.

“The crunch that families are facing deserves immediate action,” Biden wrote in a letter to seven oil refiners. “Your companies need to work with my Administration to bring forward concrete, near-term solutions that address the crisis.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!