It’s make-or-break time for West’s aid to Ukraine

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As the world awaits the start of the long-anticipated Ukrainian counteroffensive, concerns are being raised that continued military and economic support for the Zelensky government from the West could well be dependent upon the extent of its battlefield successes this spring and summer.

“The stated policy is: we are in this with Ukraine as long as it takes,” former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine and current Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center head John Herbst told Newsweek. “But then on background, unnamed officials will speculate about how, ‘well gee, we might not be able to sustain this level of support politically if Ukraine does not mount a successful counteroffensive.'”

Herbst fears that it is this type of indecisive messaging, rather than any fundamental flaw in the policy aim of arming Ukraine, which has allowed the question of continuing U.S. support to become a matter of controversy.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!