Over 350 Religious Leaders Publicly Endorse Biden, Citing Need For Moral Leadership

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A coalition of more than 350 faith leaders endorsed Joe Biden for president late Thursday, citing a “need of moral leadership” and “hope for a better future.”

The array of endorsements includes well-known progressive faith leaders such as Nadia Bolz-Weber, a Lutheran minister who founded the LGBTQ-friendly House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver, and Robert W. Lee IV, a descendant of the Confederate general, who stepped down as pastor of a North Carolina church in 2017 after publicly supporting Black Lives Matter.

Former Democratic state lawmakers such as Paul Rosenthal (Colo.) and Natalie Phelps Finnie (Ill.) are also on the list.

It also includes a number of names who have never politically endorsed before, according to a press release from Faith 2020, which calls the range of names “big tent” and “multi-faith.”

The more unusual endorsements include Ron Sider, president emeritus of Evangelicals for Social Action, John Phelan, former seminary dean and president of the evangelical North Park Theological Seminary, and the Reverend David Beckmann, who served for nearly 30 years as president of Bread for the World.

Read more at thehill.com


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!