Professor who made students pay $99 fee sued

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Two Michigan State University students have launched a lawsuit against a former professor after she made them pay $99 to join her radical left-wing group, court documents say.

The students allege that former politics professor Amy Wisner solicited funds from around 600 students and donated money to Planned Parenthood – while also using some to purchase an RV for a trip around the US.

The suit was filed by the conservative non-profit Alliance Defending Freedom on behalf of students, Nolan Radomski and Nathan Barbieri. The pair are quoted in the suit as believing abortion is the ‘homicide of innocent children.’

One section of the suit claims the students enjoy learning about contrasting opinions in their schoolwork but believe being asked to fund organizations that are antithetical to their beliefs crosses the line.

In a now-deleted Facebook post, Wisner referred to her organization, The Rebel Community, as a ‘safe place to co-ordinate our efforts to burn everything to the f***ing ground.’ Her official syllabus called the group ‘a global social learning community,’ reports Michigan Live.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!