State votes to let babies die after being born

Peter Gerber
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Conservatives on Twitter tore into Montana residents after they voted “No” on a Republican-backed referendum to ensure medical care for babies delivered alive at any point in pregnancy, including those delivered after botched abortions.

On election day, Montana voters were given the option to affirm or deny Legislative Referendum 131 being signed into law. With nearly all the votes in as of Thursday afternoon, The Associated Press called the race.

With 95% of the vote in, 52.4% of Montana resident voted “No” on the referendum, as opposed to 47.6% who voted “Yes.”

If residents had voted “Yes,” the referendum would have enacted a law guaranteeing any infant born alive at any stage of pregnancy protections as a “legal person” and would impose criminal penalties on any health care worker that doesn’t provide adequate medical care to these babies.

Pro-life Twitter users were outraged that Montana voted to deny the referendum, accusing the state’s residents of voting “to let babies die.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!