Rising housing costs create senior homelessness

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On a recent rainy afternoon in this small town just outside Glacier National Park, Lisa Beaty and Kim Hilton were preparing to sell most of their belongings before moving out of their three-bedroom, two-bathroom rental home.

Hilton, who was recovering from a broken leg, watched from his recliner as friends and family sorted through old hunting gear, jewelry, furniture, and clothes. “The only thing that’s not for sale is the house — everything else has to go,” Hilton, 68, said as he checked his blood sugar.

Hilton has Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues that have left him disabled and unable to work for years. He’s covered by Medicare but his only income is federal disability benefits. Because of a shoulder injury and fibromyalgia, 64-year-old Beaty — Hilton’s partner of seven years — also relies on disability benefits. Combined, their income is roughly $1,500 a month.

That’s no longer enough, though. Investors bought their house this year and raised the rent from $1,000 (including utilities), to $1,800 (not including utilities). That unaffordable increase has left them with no choice but to leave, they say.

“They’re not evicting me — on a fixed income, I can’t do it,” Beaty said as she sorted through her belongings.

Read more at NPR.org

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!