This year’s Burning Man festival is a mud pit

Trevor Hughes/USA Today
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There are currently “a little over 70,000” people stranded at the Burning Man festival in Nevada due to the mud and flooding, Pershing County Sheriff’s Sgt. Nathan Carmichael told CNN on Sunday.

The last few days of rain have created conditions that are “very greasy, very muddy” and the mud “seems to stick to people, stick to tires (and) makes it very, very difficult to move vehicles around,” he said. The sergeant said most RVs at the site are stuck in place.

“Some people are walking out,” Carmichael told CNN, but organizers and the sheriff’s office are “asking people to stay in place until the ground becomes hard enough and safe enough to travel.”
The majority of people are in “good spirits” and there are no shortages of food or water, Carmichael said.

The sergeant said the investigation into the death of one person at the desert festival is ongoing, but he provided no additional details, including whether the incident was related in any way to the weather.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!