Will Biden really make it to November 5th?

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In November, President Biden and Former President Donald Trump will be at the top of the ballot, just like they were in 2020. But among voters, there is an undercurrent of disbelief that this rematch is really happening.

Take Debbie Pridmore, for example, who shared her suspicions with NPR last month after casting a ballot for Trump in the North Carolina Republican primary.

“I really don’t see Biden running. I see them finding some way to get him out and get someone else in,” she said.

To be clear, Biden — the incumbent president — is running for reelection.

But these doubts have been an undeniable theme in conversations with voters this year, voters who believe something — it’s not clear exactly what — is going to happen between now and November.

“I don’t know who they would get in. I’ve got my thoughts, but I don’t want to share those,” said Pridmore. “I don’t think Biden’s going to be able to run.”

The Democratic National Committee is working in lockstep with Biden’s campaign, raising and spending millions of dollars. There are campaign ads on television, offices full of staff and volunteers.

Biden has held numerous rallies and events in swing states. And a recent report from the president’s doctor describes him as “a healthy, active, robust 81-year-old” who “continues to be fit for duty.”

But there are plenty of voters, especially Republicans, who openly muse about a different possibility.

“I would think that hopefully the Democrats can come up with somebody better,” said Ed Boyle, a Republican from a suburb of Raleigh, N.C.

Pressed on the fact that Biden faced no serious challengers and it was quite late into an election cycle to make a change, Boyle was undeterred.

“Who knows what they’re up to,” Boyle said of Democrats. “I would be surprised if they don’t pick somebody different.”

Read more at NPR.org

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!