Yellen warns US & China decoupling would be ‘disastrous’

Stefani Reynolds/AFP/Getty Images
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US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen has warned any effort to decouple from China would be “disastrous”, saying national security measures targeted at Beijing were not designed to “stifle” the Chinese economy.

In a major speech on Thursday, Yellen called for a “constructive and fair” economic relationship between China and the US, as Washington seeks to repair badly fraying relations between the two economic powers.

“The US will assert ourselves when our vital interests are at stake,” the Treasury secretary said. “But we do not seek to ‘decouple’ our economy from China’s. A full separation of our economies would be disastrous for both countries. It would be destabilising for the rest of the world.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!