Biden Approval Continues To Plummet As Crime, Inflation Soar

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President Biden’s approval rating on crime has plummeted as smash-and-grab lootings plague California and other areas of the country.

About 36% of Americans support Biden’s handling of crimes, according to a ABC/Ipsos poll released Sunday. The percentage is down from an October ABC/Ipsos poll, which found 43% of people approved of Biden’s handling of crime.

Smash-and-grab lootings have plagued cities in California, as well as in Chicago and other areas of the country, in recent weeks. The Los Angeles Police Department is also warning residents of the skyrocketing incidents of “follow-home” robberies targeting victims in affluent areas. The national murder rate is also rising this year, jumping 30% since 2020.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!