Biden insults Trump in speeches ‘He’s a Loser’

Drew Angerer/Getty Images
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When former President Donald Trump has a beef with someone, it’s almost inevitable he will call that person a “loser” or a “stone cold loser.”

Now, President Biden is turning one of his predecessor’s favorite insults against him, using his first two campaign speeches of the year to pointedly label Trump a loser.

“Losers are taught to concede when they lose,” Biden said on Monday, noting that Trump violated a basic principle of American democracy by refusing to concede the 2020 election. “And he’s a loser.”

The South Carolina audience broke out into laughter and applause — just as a Pennsylvania crowd did a few days earlier after Biden discussed Trump’s failed efforts to challenge the election results in court.

“The legal path just took Trump back to the truth — that I had won the election, and he was a loser,” said Biden.

Biden and his campaign expect Trump to win the Republican nominating contest, which kicks off Monday in Iowa. A core part of Biden’s campaign strategy is to call out Trump for the threat he poses to democracy. Trump’s lies about the election being stolen drove the January 6th insurrection.

But long before that, Trump revealed at a 2019 rally how he felt about being associated with losing. “I never want to be called a loser,” Trump said.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!