Biden seeks $105 billion in aid for war support

Jonathan Ernst/AFP/Getty Images
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The Biden administration on Friday will request $105 billion from Congress as part of a package that will include aid and resources for Ukraine and Israel in their wars, two sources briefed on the details tell CNN.

The request, the contours of which have been telegraphed to members of Congress in recent days, will also seek additional funding for the US-Mexico border, priorities in the Indo-Pacific region and humanitarian aid.

The administration is seeking $60 billion for Ukraine in line with an annual appropriation to continue US aid to the war-torn country as it defends itself from Russia’s invasion. The administration hopes the request will preempt the need for more frequent fights on Capitol Hill, where Ukraine funding has emerged as a wedge issue for Republicans in the House of Representatives. The Biden administration in August delivered its last so-called supplemental funding request, which included $24.1 billion to aid Ukraine through the end of the year, but Congress failed to approve it during a process to greenlight short-term federal funding.

For Israel, the administration is seeking $14 billion, which officials say reflects requests Biden received while traveling to the region on Wednesday.



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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!