Biden trying to get under ‘Loser’ Trump’s skin

Alex Brandon/AP
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Three words from Joe Biden’s somber speech about Donald Trump had one man in the back of Charleston’s Mother Emanuel AME Church the most excited: “He’s a loser.”

The man, cracking up, poked the woman next to him with a “Can you believe it?” expression on his face. He made the old grade-school “L” with his right thumb and index finger on his forehead, then poked the woman again so she looked.

The president, speaking at the South Carolina church earlier this month, was smiling too as he took a swipe at his likely Republican opponent. Biden has been taunting Donald Trump – and appearing to relish it – calling him the “former president” or saying, “he’s already Herbert Hoover” – an allusion to Trump’s comments that he didn’t want an economic crash on his watch because he didn’t want to be like the 31st president.

Biden greeted Trump’s Iowa caucuses victory with a smirking video in which he said, “You know it’s kind of funny: all these Republican candidates in the primary trying to beat Donald Trump, and I’m still the only person to beat Donald Trump.”

Biden has been hoping Trump is paying attention. And, people close to Trump tell CNN, he is.

“I do think he’s trying to get under his skin, and I think it’s the smartest thing the Biden campaign has done yet,” a person close to Trump said. “It rattles him and takes him off message.”


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!