Black Voters Bail from Biden and Democrat party

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Black voters are trending away from President Joe Biden and Democrats, frustrated that Democrats are not addressing kitchen table issues as they grab for extreme matters to woo leftists, according to a broad poll of 39 battleground congressional districts.

In the new survey from Cygnal, conducted in 20 states, Democrats are struggling to maintain their edge with black and women voters, “two traditionally reliable Democrat voting blocs.”

Vice President of Polling Brock McCleary told Secrets on Wednesday morning, “Democrats are in trouble with black voters, as the number of those saying the Democrat Party is more extreme than the Republican Party has increased by 20% since March. Biden is similarly in trouble, with over a third having an unfavorable view of the president, and it’s largely because they’re most concerned with the cost of living and not ideological issues like climate change and election integrity that his administration has chosen to prioritize.”

For some black and women voters upset with Biden, the choice is former President Donald Trump.

“Among key voter groups like college-educated women, married women, and black voters, Trump’s approval has also jumped 5%,” McCleary’s analysis said.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!