Border Crisis Is Biden’s Fault Says Ted Cruz

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Texas Sen. Ted Cruz slams Joe Biden after 10,000 illegal immigrants gather at the border. Cruz visited border city, Del Rio, Texas slamming Biden for his failed border policies.

Late on Thursday, Cruz traveled to the Del Rio International Bridge reporting there were over 10,000 illegal immigrants huddled underneath. In a scathing video posted to Twitter, Cruz blasted Biden saying “this man-made disaster was caused by Joe Biden.”

Cruz said the already horrible border crisis reached new levels when the Biden administration announced they would discontinue certain deportations.

“Just over a week ago, there were fewer than a thousand people here under the bridge…averaging between 700 and a thousand. And on Sept. 8, the Biden administration made a decision to cancel deportation flights back to Haiti,” said Cruz.



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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!