Lawmakers in tussle about more aid for Ukraine

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The House appears to be moving further and further away from approving a deal that would include new assistance to Ukraine — even as the Senate inches closer to an agreement.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) is demanding that any new aid for Kyiv be accompanied by tougher policies on border migration; House Democrats have rejected those policy changes out of hand; and both sides are digging in, even as negotiators in the upper chamber say they’re on the cusp of a hard-fought deal.

The dispute has led to plenty of finger pointing, with Democrats accusing Republicans of abandoning a beleaguered ally at the expense of democracy abroad, Republicans accusing Democrats of promoting open borders at the cost of national security at home, and neither side appearing ready to budge.

The Republican appetite for another massive round of military assistance for Ukraine has waned dramatically since Russia’s invasion almost two years ago, raising questions about whether the new Speaker — who’s already facing threats to his gavel from disgruntled conservatives — would even bring such a bill to the floor.

It has all diminished the odds that congressional efforts to help Ukraine will succeed ahead of a presidential election likely to pit President Biden against former President Trump, the runaway favorite for GOP’s presidential nomination.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!