Man Runs Into Burning Home To Save Niece Stuck On 2nd Floor

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“I’d do it again, I really would. I don’t care,” Byrd said, lying in his hospital bed with gauze covering his face. “I’d run back in there and do it again even if I got burnt worse or died.”

After a fire broke out in Byrd’s Washington home, Byrd said he rushed to help his sister, Kayla, get all the children out of the second-floor window. He caught two of the three children that were trapped in the house.

But when his 8-year-old niece Mercedes was afraid to jump after her mother fell off of the roof, she fell back into the burning room.

Byrd said he could hear his young niece screaming his name and that’s when he jumped into action.



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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!