Say goodbye to “Bidenomics”

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
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House Democrats are not fans of “Bidenomics,” the term used to describe President Joe Biden’s economic policy, despite a major push by the White House this year.

Both behind the scenes and in public, congressional Democrats are looking to drop the term in favor of a different way of pitching the president’s economic agenda, according to Axios.

The campaign fundraising wings for House Democrats, including the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the House Majority PAC, have largely avoided using the term in their messaging. The DCCC has not used “Bidenomics” in its public releases, while the House Majority PAC has only used it once in the past several months.

The report suggests “People Over Politics” is a more popular phrase among House Democrats to describe Biden’s agenda as they seek to retake the majority in the lower chamber of Congress in next year’s election.

The White House has continued to use the phrase in its messaging at events, but a report from NBC News found that Biden has not used it in a speech since the beginning of November. Biden events promoting his economic policy, such as one in Colorado last week, are being branded as touting Bidenomics, but the phrase does not appear in his remarks.



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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!