EV demand plummets, Dealers are panicking

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From inflation to gas-stove bans, it’s clear President Biden and his top officials are living in an alternate reality. Perhaps no issue proves this point more than their unrealistic mandate for electric-vehicles, a multibillion-dollar effort to force Americans into cars they simply don’t want and can’t afford.

In a recent speech President Biden bragged that billions of taxpayer dollars were being spent to convert auto-manufacturing factories to produce electric vehicles and “build a network of 500,000 electric-vehicle charging stations all across America.” These actions, he claimed, will help “working families” and “create good-paying union jobs.”

But facts are stubborn things, and now more than 3,000 auto dealers are finally speaking up. Although not widely covered, Ford, GM, Chrysler, Volkswagen, and others have collectively laid off thousands of workers this year, due in large part to cratering demand for electric vehicles. Ford admitted this summer that its electric vehicle business will lose $4.5 billion this year. Globally, the number of jobs lost due to Biden’s mandated electric vehicle transition sits at 80,000. So much for “creating” jobs.

The promised build-out of charging stations has been equally disastrous. At Biden’s request, Congress set aside $7.5 billion in 2021 to build tens of thousands of electric vehicle chargers across the country. A recent analysis found that, despite the influx of funding, the program has yet to install a single charger. A $7.5 billion taxpayer “investment” with no return two years in is a tough economic pill to swallow.

Read more at THEhill.com

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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!