Several agents bitten 24 times by Biden dog

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President Joe Biden’s dog Commander bit US Secret Service agents on at least 24 occasions, new documents show.

Secret Service records show the extent to which the German Shepherd caused chaos for the presidential bodyguards.
One senior agent noted the bites meant the Secret Service changed tactics, advising agents to “give lots of room”.

The warning came months before Commander was removed from the White House.

e Biden family’s pet left the White House in October last year, one week after a Secret Service agent required medical treatment for a severe bite.
A previous incident in June led to a “deep bite” on the forearm of an agent, who needed stitches. Blood on the floor in an area of the White House caused tours of the East Wing of the building to be suspended for 20 minutes, according to one document.
In July, another agent was bitten in the hand and required six stitches. The bite caused a “severe deep open wound” and the agent “started to lose a significant amount of blood”, one email showed.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!