REUTERS/Scott Audette

Bernie Sanders Separating From Rest Of Dem Field In Latest Polls

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is the clear front-runner in New Hampshire’s primary, according to a new Emerson College poll released Friday that shows him widening his lead over former South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D). Sanders registered 23 percent support among Democratic primary voters in the state, a slight drop from the 26 percent […]

Independent Watchdog Finds Trump Broke Law By Withholding Ukraine Aid

A flood of captivating new details surrounding President Trump’s dealings with Ukraine has spilled out into the public just as the Senate begins the impeachment trial, putting fresh pressure on GOP leaders to consider witnesses and new documents. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) on Thursday issued a stunning report, accusing the White House budget office […]

Getty Images

Mexican National Pleads Guilty To Entering US Illegally 8 Times

A Mexican national on Tuesday pleaded guilty in federal court to illegally entering the United States eight times, according to immigration authorities. Jesus Vargas-Melendez, 40, admitted that he had illegally entered the U.S. eight times and had been deported seven times, a press release from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said. Read more at […]

Zakaria Abdelkafi / AFP - Getty Images

Last Decade Warmest Recorded In History

The past decade was the warmest on record, government science agencies announced Wednesday. That conclusion, based on newly released data, also found that 2019 was the second-hottest year in recorded history. The yearly analysis is a closely watched indicator of the Earth’s changing climate, particularly as projections for future years anticipate the trend to continue. […]