Biden wants to control the internet

Washington times
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People have watched the Biden administration employ a wide array of aggressive regulatory policies that increasingly restrict American companies and constrain economic growth. And although the competition is stiff, it would be hard to find a more hostile regulatory barrage than what has been coming out of my old institution, the Federal Communications Commission.

Under the nice-sounding but flawed initiatives on “net neutrality,” “digital anti-discrimination,” and “data security,” the FCC has broken out of its statutory moorings and charted a reckless 270-degree bearing toward total government control over the broadband sector.

Take, for example, the agency’s recent digital discrimination order. After searching high and low for discriminatory practices, the FCC found providers were only following economic incentives. Instead of simply embracing this good news, the FCC decided to read into the infrastructure law a mandate to give itself near unlimited powers to declare broadband providers, and the array of companies and individuals tangentially connected to them, guilty of discrimination if some statistician somewhere could find the uneven outcomes that are the certain result in any large human endeavor. As a result, broadband providers will now be subject to the whims of left-wing groups deputized by the agency to sully company names and reputations unless they seek and obtain political protection.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!