Customers need restroom after Starbucks’ new olive infused drink

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Starbucks is betting big on olive oil infused coffee, hoping customers will be enticed by the anomaly and the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil.

“It is one of the biggest launches we’ve had in decades,” Brady Brewer, Starbucks’ chief marketing officer, told CNN. Former CEO Howard Schultz added in an interview with Poppy Harlow that it will “transform the coffee industry,” and be “a very profitable new addition to the company.”

But what the company may not have taken into account: Some customers say it’s making them have to run to the bathroom.

“Half the team tried it yesterday and a few ended up… needing to use the restroom, if ya know what I mean,” a barista on the Starbucks Reddit page posted.

It might be the sheen from the oil. Or it could be the aftertaste. Social media was swift with condemning the drink – and the after effects.

“That oleato drink from starbs makin my stomach speak,” one user tweeted.

Those with sensitive stomachs are already weary.

“IBD patient here. I wouldn’t touch these drinks with a ten-foot pole,” one Redditor said.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!