REUTERS/Tom Brenner

Trump Claims Teen Shooter In Kenosha Acted In Self-Defense

Ahead of his trip to Wisconsin, President Trump embraced the claim that the teenager accused of fatally shooting two protesters and injuring another in Kenosha last week was acting in self-defense – as he tore into Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and other Democrats and accused them of stoking “left-wing political violence.” During a White […]

Getty Images

Over 350 Religious Leaders Publicly Endorse Biden, Citing Need For Moral Leadership

A coalition of more than 350 faith leaders endorsed Joe Biden for president late Thursday, citing a “need of moral leadership” and “hope for a better future.” The array of endorsements includes well-known progressive faith leaders such as Nadia Bolz-Weber, a Lutheran minister who founded the LGBTQ-friendly House for All Sinners and Saints in Denver, […]

Getty Images

Biden And Obama Publicly Support NBA Players Boycott Due To Police Brutality

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama expressed support for Milwaukee Bucks players who boycotted their NBA playoff game on Wednesday night following the police-involved shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin. “This moment demands moral leadership,” Biden said in a retweet of the video statement from Bucks players. “And these players answered […]

Biden Leads In Texas Over Trump

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden holds a narrow lead over President Trump in the traditionally red state of Texas following last week’s Democratic National Convention, according to a new poll from the left-leaning firm Public Policy Polling. Forty-eight percent of voters contacted in the state after the convention said they would vote for Biden, while […]

Trump Ordered To Pay Porn Star Mistress’s Legal Fees

A California court ordered President Trump to pay $44,100 to Stephanie Clifford, the adult film actress known as Stormy Daniels, to cover her legal fees regarding her nondisclosure agreement. The order from California Superior Court Judge Robert Broadbelt, which was filed on Monday but posted online Friday by Clifford’s attorneys, surrounds a $130,000 nondisclosure agreement […]