Google Blocks Pro-Life Ads Due To Unproven Medical Claims

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Google abruptly removed pro-life ads pushing a treatment to reverse the abortion pill, a treatment that the pro-life group Live Action claims has saved the lives of thousands of unborn babies.

“At the request of abortion activists, [Google] has just BANNED all of [Live Action]’s pro-life ads, including those promoting the Abortion Pill Reversal treatment, a resource that has saved 2500 children to date,” Live Action President Lila Rose announced on Twitter.

She shared a screenshot from Google Ads that faulted Live Action’s ads for using “Restricted drug terms,” “Restricted medical content,” “Health in personalized advertising” and “Misleading content.” She also noted that Google halted Live Action ads promoting a video depicting the development of an unborn baby in the womb.

Shortly before the bans, The Daily Beast reported that Google changed its policy on such ads due to the news outlet’s reporting.

Yet Google has continued to allow ads for the abortion pill.


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Chuck comes from a lineage of journalism. He has written for some of the webs most popular news sites. He enjoys spending time outdoors, bull riding, and collecting old vinyl records. Roll Tide!