Getty Images

Trump Fires Acting Attorney General

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Monday fired Sally Yates, the acting attorney general and a Democratic appointee, after she refused to defend in court his controversial refugee and immigration ban. The extraordinary public clash over Trump’s most consequential policy decision to date laid bare the discord and dissent surrounding the executive order, which temporarily […]

Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images

Trump’s Anti-Immigration Order Shaped By Benefits To His Private Businesses

President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday that puts a freeze on immigration from seven countries: Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq and Sudan. Even as President Trump takes steps to restrict visitors from some majority-Muslim countries, he and his family continue to do business in some of the others. Ethics experts question […]

Doug Mills, The New York Times

Trump To Order Wall With Mexico; Limit Immigrants From Middle East

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump will begin rolling out executive actions on immigration Wednesday, beginning with steps to build his proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, according to two administration officials. He’s also expected to target so-called sanctuary cities and is reviewing proposals that would restrict the flow of refugees to the United States. The […]

New Poll Shows That 72% Of Americans Want Illegal Immigrants To Stay

Despite Donald Trump’s campaign promise to crack down on illegal immigration, a majority of Americans would like to see undocumented immigrants stay in the country, according to a new poll from Quinnipiac University. The response, 72% percent, was the highest since the Quinnipiac poll started asking the question four years ago. “Though it drew cheers […]


Trump say ‘Undocumented Immigrants Are Pouring Over The Border To Vote’

WASHINGTON ― Donald Trump is accusing the government of letting undocumented immigrants “pour into the country so they can go and vote” in November ― the latest conspiracy theory the Republican presidential nominee is perpetuating to delegitimize the election. “You hear a thing like that, and it’s a disgrace,” Trump told members of the National […]